Motherhood is hard. If you’re a mom, you know. But why are women afraid to admit that its difficult? After becoming a mom, I decided that I would commit to honesty because when I share my personal experiences I feel like others are encouraged by that honesty – that if I feel that way sometimes, then they shouldn’t feel so guilty. Guilt – there it is. The answer to why women aren’t talking about it. I think we are afraid that if we tell someone that we’re struggling with elements of motherhood, that those sentiments will be interpreted as “Well, she must hate being a mom” or “She’s miserable, and its all the kid’s fault”. The same issue applies to marriage. As someone who loves being a wife and a mom more than anything in the whole world, I guess I feel a little safer in the honest confessions, because I know in my heart that I wouldn’t do anything differently. Friends, we all need to have a safe place to talk about the struggles of marriage and family. Find a trustworthy friend or an understanding group that can listen and encourage without fear of judgment or misinterpretation.
I love my husband, adore my daughter and can’t wait to meet our second child. But that doesn’t change the fact that life can be hard and living on one income is a challenge. Â Those struggles ebb and flow from day to day, but its our loved ones that make the struggle worth it. They are the daily joys that keep our hearts lifted and full of hope when things fail and bills pile up. So give yourself a break! You are doing the two most selfless things that you can do – you’re a wife and a mother. Every day you wake up and die to yourself, go to sleep and then wake and do it again. It’s uncomfortable and often painful. As a Christian, male and female, we are all called to “die to self” in the service of others, to sacrificially put others first, as Christ did. What a holy call. Don’t write off the worthiness of what you do, often unconsciously, every day. Know that there is loving Father in heaven celebrating your courage and children who will one day comprehend the beautiful gift that they were given.
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