Author Archives: lauren
Fine Line Between Joy and Pain
Let me preface what may seem like a heavy blog post by saying that I have the most amazing 8-month-old at home. If she doesn’t make you WANT [..]
The Crippling Fear of Infertility and the Miracle of Life
Lately I’ve been in conversations with friends about their difficulty conceiving or their fear of infertility when they decide to have children. It wasn’t that long ago that [..]
To Be, or To Eat Wheat, That Is the Question…
Do you ever get that feeling that life is just a great big experiment – trial and error? I always appreciated that very wise and concise saying “Insanity [..]
Our Wedding Vows
A tip of the hat to two beautiful, perfect, wonderful years! This day two years ago, Aaron and I were making these vows. May they continue to hold [..]
The Old Cliche…but the roses won’t wait
We’ve all heard the well-worn and threadbare phrase about “stopping to smell the roses”, but speaking for myself I think I built up an immunity to its meaning. [..]
How to Love Your Man
I dug out my long-forgotten sketchbook yesterday and out of it fell 2 pieces of yellow notebook paper. As I read my own handwriting, I smiled nostalgically at [..]
Love Beckons
Every morning, Love beckons us into a new day. It whispers promises in our ear. It is the reason we lift our head 
from our pillow each morning. [..]
Catch More Flies with Honey, Kill More with Vinegar!
A couple weeks ago I set side my gardening gloves for my rubber ones, and reached into the shadowy depths of my pantry for a jug of distilled [..]
Fresh Air Quickens the Heart and the Soul
Tiny green leaves, barely visible from across the yard catch my eye. I gasp and rush toward my garden in breathless hope and expectation. I am not disappointed. [..]