It started with a blog, Fawn Weaver was fed up with the pervasive negativity surrounding marriage in today’s culture. So in protest, she started a blog dedicated to women who love being married and celebrating their happy relationships. Almost as a dare, her career as an author was born. Her first task, traveling to 12 countries across six continents to tell the stories of women (and men) who have not only survived marriage, but have discovered the secrets to marital bliss through the decades. Weaver’s book, Happy Wives Club, is self-help, meets Reader’s Digest, meets travel book with her wealth of attained relationship advice, anecdotes of love and family, and colorful depictions of each city and culture she experiences. Talk about a dream job – who doesn’t want to travel the world, meet new people, and experience different cultures?
The book is an enjoyable read with an albeit obvious summary at the end containing Weaver’s 12 secrets to a happy marriage. (Spoiler alert: here comes the cliff notes version!) Respect, trust, common faith, laughter, retain personal identity and interests, share a daily ritual, date your spouse, support each other, be best friends, nurture your marriage, divorce is not an option, and choose your friends wisely. But there are also two bonus over-arching themes in the book: happiness is a choice, and a happy marriage keeps you young. And although I’ve given the secrets away, this is still worth the read!
Happy Reading, Happy Marriage, and Happy Life to you!
Disclosure: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers